mercredi 9 mars 2011

Yasser Statements about the Patient Zero's Scores.

"I was planning to take my time while composing what will become the First “«Lucas Tools»” album; I started writing songs two years ago when I was involved on a band with fellows. After having been dismissed I continued working alone. I recorded demos using computer generated sounds and then analyzed the songs.
On an Internet Forum, I’ve read a topic about a short-film based on the Resident Evil video games directed by a certain “Jerome Chagnon”. I’ve said to myself: “Well, let’s see what this again” quite honestly I’ve expected nothing… But, when I actually realized who Jerome Chagnon is and what he was up to, I decide that, no matter what it will cost, I’ve to be a part of this project!!!
I was happy to know that Jerome and I share a lot (artistically and musically), and that he appreciate my musical works. And on a mutual agreement we decide that “«Lucas Tools»” will start scoring his upcoming short-film “Patient Zero”.

I began writing these Scores on October 1th. Musically I must admit that I was far from my Metal Roots.  May be, or probably, I was more interested by the electronic side of «Lucas Tools» and to some degree I think that I was comfortable and better at it at that time.  When I analyze all the turntable percussive sounds, high hats and beeps (or whatever the instrument may be) I felt like a young child who walks for the first time. The time I spent to make sure each Pad section is transitioning into the next nicely and that those sections add up to something that's keeping your attention, all that was a great time. I took this electronic “path” just after having read the script. It was obvious for me that “Patient Zero” is far too ambitious than “RE 1.5”, it is a real drama, with passion, love and traitors. And, I guess, heavy guitars can’t really suit this atmosphere. I started using white noises instead of real melodic chords, because if it’s true that there’s nothing scary on the motion, I want to install an apprehension with sounds unpleasant in a very visceral way. When it comes to sound, what I pursue in particular is a sense of destabilization. There's a sense that it's not so much music as it is the creation of something that stimulates one's sense of hearing. Creating a canvas that enhances the scene you’re watching. After it will depend on the watchers sensibility to sounds, some responds to sounds that are not related to the scene and once one is pulled back to reality, one is immersed more deeply into the drama hypnotized by the sounds that keep reeling in his mind long after the end of the movie. These sorts of effects are what I'm aiming for. The probability of their occurrence is random and that’s challenging to me.
 I’ve work closely with Jerome to make sure that every score is the appropriate canvas for the proper emotional tone of the various scenes.

I decide, in common with Jerome, that “The Patient Zero Sound Files” will be a «Lucas Tools» release. This soundtrack is something I’m very proud of and it reflects a part of me I don’t want to hide any longer.
We will (the Patient Zero production and I) release “Patient Zero the Sound Files” via the short movie website. The album will be made available for download free of charge, protected under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial NoDerivs License (CC-by-nc-nd). (You can also donate if you want to help us move further).
There’s a notable difference in duration between the Scores on the Short-film and those available on download. Those lasts are longer to satisfy the album standard.

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